Today, is weigh in day! I am an even 186lbs. That’s 0.3 lbs less then when I did a true weigh in on March 23rd and almost a 4lbs loss when I weighed in last week and saw a 3.6lbs gain!!! Is this the best I could do? Absolutely Not! Will I strive for better this week? Absolutely! Am I feeling bummed about it? A Little! But, I am going to shake it off and kick the day off on the right foot. I ate my bowl of plain oatmeal with 2 tbls of mixed berries and have my 24oz of water to start the day!
I am also altering my goal because losing 6lbs in 2 weeks is not doable for me and if it were it would be done in an unhealthy way. So, if I can reach 182 by the end of April I will consider that reaching my April goal. In May it’s going to be on like popcorn. I’m not taking any prisoners! I am also calling today to see if it’s too late to enroll in this Zumba class that started 2 weeks ago. (Thank you MissH J) for putting me on to the new Get Fit Craze! Have a Great Day and keep on Pushing!!!
Keep up the great work! you are going to love Zumba. You can do it!
Zumba is fun! I love to dance to work out a sweat.
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